Apparently Tuesdays are my training recap post days. It’s not intentional, it’s just the way it’s been happening. In this recap, though, there’s not much triathlon training to actually recap. Because in what’s supposed to be a crucial week of half Ironman training, I was sick. And I worked a lot. Yep, big fail. Yep, I’m worried about Eagleman.
But there was a highlight of the week – yoga with the DC-area Sweat Pink Ambassadors! Read on for some great pics and then a bonus pic of me rubbing shoulders with a celebrity you will probably recognize.
Wednesday – The usual thing – LUNA Chix track workout. I love it. It’s my Wednesday thing and I’m really getting a lot out of it. The workout was 1,000 meters at a 5K pace, then 300 meters at an all-out/mile pace, with recovery between. We did that set three times. Including the warm-up and cool-down, it was more than 4 miles of running before 7am and we pushed ourselves hard on those 300s!
Thursday – Cough, cough, cough. I felt so sick that I came home from work early. I had a full afternoon of meetings but after the 1pm meeting where I was almost hallucinating about lying down in my bed, I decided to just go home sick. It was a good thing – I could barely stay upright through the kids’ bedtime and felt so much better just resting. When I got home, my middle child had just come back from his Pre-K Graduation, and I got to hear all about it. Then, because he was on summer vacation already, he was the luckiest kid ever and was whisked away to the beach with my parents for the weekend. Lucky duck.
Friday – I had trouble getting up when my alarm went off at 5:45am for the first day of the summer session of Masters Swimming. I sat up, immediately started coughing, felt terrible, and went back to sleep. I slept later than I have in memory – at least 9am. I was panicked, wondering why my three year old didn’t wake me up. It turns out that my daughter made him breakfast so I could stay sleeping. She’s so sweet!
I finally went to work quite late, but I worked until late that evening, getting home at about midnight, so it was a full day. We had a rehearsal for our Memorial Day concert – it was gorgeous weather!
Saturday – I hadn’t seen my three year old on Friday since I overslept until he was already at preschool, and then worked until late, so I spent a lovely morning snuggling and playing with him on Saturday. The rest of the day was so busy. My husband and I are sorting, purging, and cleaning up. We have a yard sale coming up, and have been needing to get rid of things and get things organized for a while. I didn’t get in my 12-mile run – four with the stroller was all I could manage. It was slow – with coughing breaks, and feeling fatigued, it was rough and I was wiped out after four miles.
He really likes his brother’s Pre-K graduation hat!
After the run I quickly showered and went downtown to work another rehearsal. Still gorgeous weather, but a little cooler out once the sun went down.
At these outdoor rehearsals, I do a lot of walking and running around, so I was feeling pretty tired when I got home after 11pm.
Sunday – On Sunday I had big plans to go for my long bike ride. I had researched places to ride, and had a Plan A and a Plan B, with maps printed out. In the end? Neither. Getting home so late and working such long hours on my feet while slowly improving from my coughing illness was really draining on me, and I knew I had to work until really late for the concert that night. I wasn’t in any shape to be rushing out the door at 6am to fit in the long ride. In fact, I didn’t feel in any shape to be doing intense exercise at all that morning.
Instead, I had a really fun morning with my daughter and other local bloggers/Sweat Pink Ambassadors! We had a meetup event scheduled, but I had planned to skip it to get in my long bike ride. I’m so glad I went! I took my daughter and we had a blast. We drove down to Georgetown where Mar had organized a special private shopping event at Athleta DC.
We shopped and chatted with the other ladies. Sabrina had an amazing time!
Deborah even gave her some training tips!
Here I am with Erika and Deborah trying on clothes.
After the shopping, we had a private yoga class with Cathy from Yoga Del Sol! I had gotten off the yoga routine as my half Ironman training picked up, and it felt SO good to do it. And it was so fun to do it with Sabrina.
She wasn’t completely sure what to do, but she picked it up quickly! Thanks to Deborah for this fun pic of us, with Kathryn to my right. Don’t look at my poor form, I’m just glad I was exercising at all the way I had felt for days.
It was so great to meet a few new Sweat Pink ladies, and also reconnect with others I had met before!
From left to right: Courtenay, Erika, Alexis, Deborah, Mar, Jennifer, Kathryn, me with my daughter, and Colleen.
After that, I went home and did more purging and organizing, then got ready for the concert. The Memorial Day concert was really emotional and a moving tribute to those who have made sacrifices for our country. Such an important reminder of what the holiday is really about.
I try to keep work separate from this blog, but I’ll just say that I am very lucky that I get to meet some really interesting and talented people, so I will toss you one fun picture. If you don’t know who this is, just take the blue pill.
Oh, no big deal – it’s just me, my daughter, and au pair with Laurence Fishburne after the concert!
Monday – The Memorial Day holiday – Every year, I loving having the day off after working so many hours all weekend. I got up with my youngest at 7am, but after getting his breakfast I fell asleep on the couch. Getting home well after midnight just about did me in. I eventually went back to bed for a while – thanks to my husband for getting up and letting me go back to sleep. After that rest, I felt ready for the day! My husband and I got a ton of purging and organizing done at home, and then I intended to go out for a bike ride. I got all ready, helmet included. And then wore that helmet for about an hour while doing some dinner prep and other things in my kitchen. That counts as training, right?
I then decided to run and go to the grocery store, but realized I had no time, so I went to the grocery store in my running clothes. That counts as training, right?
After dinner and kids’ bedtime, I procrastinated a ton and then eventually got on my bike on the trainer. At about 9:45pm. Not ideal, and not the long ride I was scheduled for, but I was glad for the workout.
And here’s the thing – that’s what did it. That’s what pulled me out of the funk. The late night trainer ride. I watched Parenthood and pedaled away, checking off each segment and I dripped sweat on my aerobars. And I loved it.
So here we are: Tuesday. I’m going to rock the rest of the week. I’m going to get back on track. I’m out of the funk!
I simply have to. I’ve been feeling really bummed and stressed about missing so much crucial triathlon training. One track workout, one stroller run, and one yoga session just didn’t cut it for last week. I still have a lingering cough, but I’m hoping my fatigue has faded.
ZOOMA Annapolis is this weekend and I am excited! But on Sunday I need to figure out how to get in a long bike ride, lead a group run with my Moms Run This Town Group, take kids to ice skating, attend a LUNA Chix bike maintenance clinic, and get things done around the house. I accept that challenge. Without a crazy weekend of working late nights, I am hopeful!
So now this is the longest recap but the Sweat Pink yoga pics were so fun I just couldn’t hold back.
Have you ever had one of those weeks? How do you pull yourself out of the funk?
The post Coughing + Working = Not Triathlon Training Enough appeared first on You Signed Up For WHAT?!.